The Drinking Thread


Well-Known Member
Alright Ladies and Gentleman. Because I know so many people drink and get on these forums I figured that I would put up a thread for it. Texas, Cali, Montana I don't care. Just be 21. Let the good times roll my friends!!


Well-Known Member
Also a good place to keep tabs on the number of beer consumed. Maybe have a monthly total up so we can have like a winner


Alright Ladies and Gentleman. Because I know so many people drink and get on these forums I figured that I would put up a thread for it. Texas, Cali, Montana I don't care. Just be 21. Let the good times roll my friends!!

I never get to do nothin'!




Kiss My IFS
There are somethings that I do not wish to keep track of, such as how many beers I drink. It would probably make me look pretty bad if I did.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Shiner with Jason waiting on some piggies to come out.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Getting a late start, huh? lol

Not a bad plan to just sit in the blind and drink all day though. How hot is it up there? Good Breeze?

... you're welcome :D

Yeah great breeze! Not that hot. We also killed 3/4 of a bottle of Crown Black last night.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
Drinking some Karbach Rodeo Clown Double IPA tonight while I'm getting caught up on school work. Good stout beer.


Beer fridge is full of Shiner Light Blonde. So I guess that's what I'll be having tonight.


No I mean the shit my girlfriend made me by her a 12 pack of only to drink one and realize it's not what she thought it was and leave me with 11 of them.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
Tapped my Live Oak Hefe clone tonight. I'm happy with it and am pretty sure it will not last long when the Texas heat returns.