Braking Issues in an 09 Tacoma


SR5 with a TRD Sport heart
So here is the issue that I am struggling with, and I cant seem to figure out what is the underlying cause.

The issue is that my brakes are really soft on the first press of the petal. But if I release and then press down again, they are firm.

I'm thinking this can be 1 of 3 things.

1. The TSB on the brake petal may be causing the issue and I need to have it done.

2. Now that I am lifted the brake lines are not long enough and they are being stretched and not allowing enough fluid through.

3. My brake master cylinder is dying and not pumping enough fluid into the system (I check the fluid levels last night and I was good)

Any suggestions or recommendations would be greatly recommended, cause I am stumped! If its solution 1 or 3 then I will just go to the dealership, if its issue 2 I can just get new brake lines and solve the problem. Just need to know what the next step is.



Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Wheel bearing is going out. Thats the EXACT same symptoms I had. I swore it was a brake issue. But jack up the truck and check your wheel bearings up front. If you don't fix it soon, it will eat your ABS speed sensor along with replacing the unit bearing.


SR5 with a TRD Sport heart
Fack!!!!! not what I wanted to hear, but hopefully its still covered under my extend warranty! or else I am screwed..... cause those things are not cheap to replace.

Thanks BearsFan07, you are a true source of info!


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Well good luck getting it covered under warranty. My dealer just laughs at me if I try to get any warranty work done. :)

But you can get less expensive unit bearings from your local auto parts store. You'll need to have the hub pressed out of the bearing assembly and then back in, but other than that its pretty easy to change. I'm trying to recall how much the bearing cost, I want to say I paid about $100 for it from TRDParts4U... I also had to spend a little more $$ for the seals. Then I also spent $160 to fix the ABS speed sensor! Ouch! Your Toyota dealer will totally bend you over the counter if you try to buy that stuff from them.

(hope this link works).. but its item 5 that goes out. I also picked up the seals on both sides


Staff member
I've done it a couple times now. Don't forget to replace both seals when you have it done.

To figure out which one it is, lift up the front of your truck then try wigling the wheels if either of them move at all (up down left right), you need a new bearing.

That, or after you drive the truck hop out and feel the hubs. The one that's hotter than the others is your culprit.

If you figure out that you need to replace the bearings, I've got OEM ones and some seals I'd sell for less than you can find them for. You can also rig up a press using a jack to do the whole job yourself.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
You can also rig up a press using a jack to do the whole job yourself.

Hmm.. Got any pics? Might be handy to know on the trail.


Staff member
Hmm.. Got any pics? Might be handy to know on the trail.
I've never actually done it, just know it's possible. Easiest thing to use would be a hi-lift jack. You just need the right sized metal dies or something to work similarly.

My brother told me about some guy who did it in the bed of his Ranger using a 2x4 and oem jack wedged between the bed sides.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Only reason I ask is that I tried to do it in my garage with a vise and anything I could get my hands on. At the shop they had to cut part of the old bearing off and then put it in the press to get it out. I suppose a person could fab up something that uses a bottle jack, but it might be kinda large to haul around on the trail.


Staff member
Only reason I ask is that I tried to do it in my garage with a vise and anything I could get my hands on. At the shop they had to cut part of the old bearing off and then put it in the press to get it out. I suppose a person could fab up something that uses a bottle jack, but it might be kinda large to haul around on the trail.

Having the right dies might help. I don't think a vise has enough power. Could've just been too rusty.


SR5 with a TRD Sport heart
Thanks guys, I will keep that in mind, I will try and jack up my truck tonight (if I can find space in the underground parking at the condo :D) and test both sides.

Hopefully the dealership we work with up here wont screw me over too much, a group of us get a 15% discount on parts and labour, so hopefully with my plea for warranty and the discount I shouldn't get too screwed over.


Well-Known Member
Oh unit bearing fun I don't recommended trying to change one without a press. I tried a bottle Jack off yje frame of the truck and it wasn't enough to seat the hub in the bearing. Best thing to do would be to buy a hub and bearing and have them pressed together then swap the good assembly for the bad one get the bad one rebuilt and keep it for a spare for the next time it goes out.


SR5 with a TRD Sport heart
so I checked my bearings tonight, and its my passenger side that is shot. I jacked up my truck and I had between a half inch and full inch of back and forth play. So into the shop it goes, for warranty :D

But I will be keeping the idea of having a spare with me for future swap outs.


Staff member
so I checked my bearings tonight, and its my passenger side that is shot. I jacked up my truck and I had between a half inch and full inch of back and forth play. So into the shop it goes, for warranty :D

But I will be keeping the idea of having a spare with me for future swap outs.

Sounds like it was pretty bad. You'll know it's super bad when your ABS light comes on.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Yeah, you'll also be out $160 more bucks. :) Well.. if its not under warranty.


SR5 with a TRD Sport heart
yeah, fingers crossed that I don't have to shell out out of pocket.

So I need to do a bit of driving the next few days, can it handle a bit of driving, or should I man up and ride my bike in the rain?


Staff member
yeah, fingers crossed that I don't have to shell out out of pocket.

So I need to do a bit of driving the next few days, can it handle a bit of driving, or should I man up and ride my bike in the rain?
You shouldn't have to pay any money to get it fixed. It's covered under the 3yr, 60K mi bumper to bumper warranty (unless that's different in Canada)

Man up and ride the bike. Driving on it more runs the risk of frying your ABS sensor. I had to replace both of mine at $130 each. I don't understand how they can charge so much for a small little piece of plastic with 2 wires in it.


SR5 with a TRD Sport heart
Yeah I guess its bike for me till it goes into the shop. Hopefully the weather holds! or else it will suck riding my bike!



That's Mr Asshole to you
Let us know if the dealer fixes this under waranty. I am curious for future issues I may encounter.


Well-Known Member
Man up and ride the bike, that is a lot of play it will totally fail soon. When that happens the only thing holding your hub/wheel tire to the truck will be the caliper, not much. Good luck at the dealer all they do is laugh at me when I mention warranty. Oriely has lifetime bearings for like 100 a pop I've had to change then about every 15k since the big tires. Having the spare makes it easy on a moments notice to change and rebuild at your convience.