e-locker challenges


Well it's that time again - diff install. Well - I should have looked at this before I installed the 3rd but I didn't and I'm in the same place I was the last time... The locker is locked and I can't get it unlocked. I can't find the clocking positions that I found before and was hoping a brother could help me out. The last time I was able to move the rack - this time I can't. Any suggestions? TIA!


Edit: here is one from pirate that is clocked in the locked postition...

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Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
You should be able to use your finger or a screwdriver to disengage the locker. You might have to Jack the wheels off the ground and spin a wheel to free it a little.


I will try again... thanks! Do you know if the clocking of the actuator is locked? I may be just making more work for myself!


Sean - thanks again - all solved. Between you and pirate - problem solved!!! My 15 year-old nephew is even more excited than I am!!! Mission accomplished and should be on the road in the morning! Sierras here we come!!! Yeah!!! (that's my nephew speaking!!!)


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I will try again... thanks! Do you know if the clocking of the actuator is locked? I may be just making more work for myself!

Sorry I didn't answer... I had gone to bed.

Sean - thanks again - all solved. Between you and pirate - problem solved!!! My 15 year-old nephew is even more excited than I am!!! Mission accomplished and should be on the road in the morning! Sierras here we come!!! Yeah!!! (that's my nephew speaking!!!)


Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’
You should be able to use your finger or a screwdriver to disengage the locker. You might have to Jack the wheels off the ground and spin a wheel to free it a little.

I think I have seen Sean do this before on a nice comfortable river bed full of those small pillow rocks.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I think I have seen Sean do this before on a nice comfortable river bed full of those small pillow rocks.

LOL.. you know my new 3rd member engages and disengages nicely. <knock on wood>