Laser Training Systems


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
I was already debating an at home laser training setup before the current ammo scare but now it makes more sense than before. I used a couple different setups in the Marine Corps but most of those are way out of budget for what I am looking for right now. I have been looking at LaserHIT as it appears to be a pretty mature product at a good price point.

LaserHIT - Modern Firearm Training at Home

Anyone have any experience with other setups before I move forward on this one? It will be nice to be able to take a 15 minute break from work during the week and practice drawing from the holster and getting the first shot off while seeing real feed back on the results.


Lazer Tag.jpg


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Not trying to blow smoke up your ass, but I think for YOU, @tx_shooter, don’t need this system. Based off how much trigger time and training you already have, I think you’ll know when you have a good trigger press and/or sight picture/sight alignment when you draw. So just doing 5 minutes of dry fire and 5 minutes of drawing from a holster/concealment would be enough for you. For other, people this system might benefit them more than I think it’ll benefit you. And I’m only saying this because I’ve shot with you and you have a sub 1 second draw & hit time on a 2/3rd IPSC target plate at 7 yards lol

I’ve gone back and forth on buying one of these laser sight systems but I don’t think they are where they need to be yet. I’m still holding out on getting like a VR system that has an integrated pistol and AR setup. But that’s still years off at this point.
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It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
A lot of it is to keep skills sharp and to help train other people. I was pretty rusty the day we were shooting in the swamp/ rain.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
A lot of it is to keep skills sharp and to help train other people. I was pretty rusty the day we were shooting in the swamp/ rain.
I definitely understand now lol


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
Ordered the HD 9mm setup so we will see if it lives up to the hype. I spent some time with the app (which can be downloaded for free) and like that it can be used with a paper target up on the wall. So while I do not have to buy a new big screen TV (dang) I can use this in my office between meetings with no extra cost.


interested to see how you like it. my indoor practice is limited to plinking my red ryder from my couch to a target in my kitchen when watching the boob tube


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
So after a handful of practice/training with the laser system I am sold on it. Especially since it is an "in chamber" system so I can practice from a concealed holstered start. I have used it a few times during the day to get in some sessions that otherwise I would not have been able to get. The range and ammo savings are already close to what the system cost me.

Now I am also looking at getting a laser setup to use with my AR. @Anathollo found a nice setup that I am researching more into.


New Member
I've been looking at laser systems and I've seen a lot of videos about this one and mantis systems. Anyone know how mantis or any other system compares to this?