MCTacodrivers 'Eventually' Build


Diarrhea: A natural lubricant
Just getting a space going for my build, though it won't have any progress until I get back at the end of June from leave.

I bought it last August as a Birthday present to myself for $1,000. When I picked it up, we could get it to start only by pouring gas directly down the carburetor. She would run absolutely fine for the few seconds it had fuel even after sitting in a field for 3 years. I towed it back down to Havelock and moved it into a storage yard until I could get it registered to be able to bring it on base. In the month of August I got little progress done, though I did get the interior painted down with some bedliner, rebuild the carb only to discover it was missing various components from the get go, and replace various filters.

And various pictures of her just sitting there:




Interior all did up:


The next step for the build was to...deploy on a 2 day notice in September and leave it sitting in said storage yard. The good part of this, was I that I then had some cash to spend on this truck. I finally got back in May to discover that various parts had been stolen, and my friend that was supposed to take care of paying the bill didn't.

That's about the back story on this truck, and as said, some actual 'building' will happen in a month or so.

Parts already purchased and waiting to go on:
-Weber 32/36 carburetor
-Marlin Crawlers brake upgrade package
-Nitro 5.29 gears
-Marlin Crawler diff armor housing
-Ballistic fab axle truss and under diff armor
-4XInnovations rock sliders
-Spool locker for the rear

Parts to be purchased:
-Aussie or Spartan locker for the front
-4xInnovations interior cage
-Front and rear bumper, not sure who yet
-Wheels and tires, since my old one's were stolen while I was gone
-Lift kit, will either be a Trail-Gear or All-Pro suspension...Not happy about either of those choices but they seem to be all that is out there. All my springs or shot so the RUF isn't an option, chevy 63's may happen though.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Looking forward to your progress. I'd go RUF and just get some "new" ones to replace yours.


Diarrhea: A natural lubricant
Thanks, and as am I gents, can't wait to see this thing do more than just sit on cinder blocks for $10 a month. Could do that, the craigslist in NC isn't nearly well used as in TX. is a pretty good resource here. As it always happens though, now that I am actually able to go buy stuff off of their, I have yet to see anything I need/can afford.


Tommy want wingy..
I like it. but Im partial to 85's. The interior is in really decent shape, probably a little better than mine. My suggestion is to go through that engine bay and get any hose, vac lines, bare wires, change fluids, check gaskets, seals etc... cleaned up and replaced. I had to do that to mine in the beginning. Over 26 years a lot of stuff can deteriorate and be rigged up by the PO's. Mine ran decent when I bought it but i had some work to do to clean it up. I might have some extra stuff to help you get your rig rolling if you need it.

The 63's are a pretty decent choice for the rear (I have them on my 85) but have their disadvantages as well like a crappy departure angle. F-150' are another good alternative. Sky's Offroad had a rear 63 hanger kit thats fairly inexpensive. If i had it to do again, I would do RUF in the front instead of the 4" springs I have now. I still might do it in the future.

Your parts list looks good so far. Dont forget your install kits for the gears, possible a knuckle rebuild kit (w/ bearings) and all the consumables like gasket material and grease.


Nice truck man.


Diarrhea: A natural lubricant
I like it. but Im partial to 85's. The interior is in really decent shape, probably a little better than mine. My suggestion is to go through that engine bay and get any hose, vac lines, bare wires, change fluids, check gaskets, seals etc... cleaned up and replaced. I had to do that to mine in the beginning. Over 26 years a lot of stuff can deteriorate and be rigged up by the PO's. Mine ran decent when I bought it but i had some work to do to clean it up. I might have some extra stuff to help you get your rig rolling if you need it.

The 63's are a pretty decent choice for the rear (I have them on my 85) but have their disadvantages as well like a crappy departure angle. F-150' are another good alternative. Sky's Offroad had a rear 63 hanger kit thats fairly inexpensive. If i had it to do again, I would do RUF in the front instead of the 4" springs I have now. I still might do it in the future.

Your parts list looks good so far. Dont forget your install kits for the gears, possible a knuckle rebuild kit (w/ bearings) and all the consumables like gasket material and grease.

The interior isn't bad at all. Floor boards are all very solid and the dashboard is in good condition. The stock radio is actually being held up by an old chapstick tube though lol. Was planning on replacing old gaskets and everything, but when I swap out to the weber carb I will be getting rid of all but 3 vac lines which makes that a little easier.

I have seen something mentioned about the f150 springs, but it was in passing and didn't look much further into it. Figured the 63's were more popular for a reason. I have the install kit for the gears already, got them with the gears, though I am probably going to drive to raleigh with the thirds and have ECGS put them together.


Tommy want wingy..
thats the way to go man.




Diarrhea: A natural lubricant
Holy shit, progress!
Went over today and pulled the intake manifold to either clean the rust out, or replace it from craigslist. In preparation for the Wendy carb, I also started pulling vacuum lines. Managed to spill a good bit of coolant on the ground when I drained that...good thing it was in a gravel storage yard lot. Was out there about an hour and a half, and my tshirt was completely soaked in sweat! Downed a whole gallon of water and still was starting to get light headed.

Discovered that beneath the battery was quite rusted out:

And I have tires and rims, no name mud tires and rims from am 80s chevy blazer:

Wheel studs are on order, and my registration paperwork is in the mail on its way to Tx. Soon as I get that, I can get it on base to the hobby shop and get some real progress knocked out.

I think there was more to say but I have arrived at a beer fest, and lost my train of thought
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Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Fancy pants "BELTED ..... RADIAL's" ... swanky lol


Diarrhea: A natural lubricant
Took the advantage of having a late showtime today to go over and work on the truck a bit. I had soaked the intake manifold in vinegar to get the rust out, worked out pretty well. Read about that little trick from searching around on google and figured I'd give it a shot since it's a cheap way to do it. Got it put back on, and I'll be (trying to) put the Weber on this weekend. Throw some oil back in to get it showing on the dipstick and see if she'll turn over!