The Mechanics of Spacer Lifts


Staff member
The purpose of this article is to illustrate the basic mechanics of a spacer lift. Keep in mind that there are other factors to take into consideration when choosing what type/ size lift to install on your vehicle.


1) Stock Suspension: Notice up travel (green) and down travel (blue) are equal.

2) Suspension with "In-Coil" Spacer Lift: This type of spacer lift modifies the ride height of your vehicle by increasing the effective spring rate. Since the spring is now "stronger" it fights harder to lift the weight of the vehicle. Notice this type of lift increases up travel and decreases down travel. This can result in a "rough" ride.

3) Suspension with "Top Plate" Spacer Lift: This type of lift modifies the ride height of your vehicle by increasing the effective length of the coil-over assembly. At full extension, this type of lift will allow your suspension to drop more, but will limit up-travel at full compression. The ride quality will remain the same because the effective spring rate stays the same.

NOTE: Adjustable Bilstein 5100s use the same principle as an "In-Coil" spacers to achieve lift.