81 cab to 85 frame


Straight White Male
We are looking at swapping an 81 PU cab to a 85 4runner frame. I've searched the crap out of this and mainly only found details of engine swaps (22re to 22r vehicle). I believe the same details would apply to what we are attempting but wanted to see if anyone has come across a build that has done what we are looking to do. Searched and read in Pirate, crap ton of info, but end up hitting dead ends there.
I'm not concerned with body mounts ect, mainly concerned with the electrical side of the swap. I'd like to retain the gage cluster in the 81 and piggy back the 85 electronics to control the engine.
We are looking at doing this to replace the rusted out, chopped to hell runner body and put the clean 81 cab/front clip on, then a simple tube/flat bed on.
Any info would be nice, thanks
Pic of the runner as is:


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Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Whats wrong with the 4Runner body? That looks pretty nice. Hell I wish I had a 4Runner body on my 91 then I might think harder about keeping it. I'd like to have a little more room.


I know where there is a PERFECT 4Runner body (minus doors and hood) for sale :shifty:


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Under $500??


Straight White Male
Whats wrong with the 4Runner body? That looks pretty nice. Hell I wish I had a 4Runner body on my 91 then I might think harder about keeping it. I'd like to have a little more room.
Its pretty well chopped up, it looks good in the pic. Really not much room in this 4runner, being that it is bobbed and narrowed, no back seat. We are looking at it as a step up going to the truck cab.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Narrowed?! Oh yeah, there is no room in there. Shit when I had my 85 you could barely fit two seats and a small tuff box console in it. You must be smashing elbows with the passenger.


Straight White Male
Just the back half is narrowed.
Floor is rusted out, no doors (not a bad thing), open in the rear and no more space/storage in it than a truck cab would have.
The 81 is a family truck that was getting ready to go to the scrap yard and he wanted to save it, so instead of building it out he wanted to just put the cab on the 85 built frame/drivetrain.
On top of all of that it is just another cool project we are getting into, something different. You know how that is.
We do projects so often its hard to keep up with them. We recently did a 3.4 swap into a 99 single cab (4cyl) in two days, was actually easier than I thought it would be and looks like factory install. Granted we had all of our crap together before we started but was a cool build/swap that gave us some knowledge.

The runner is/was a pretty rare truck in 85. first year runner, first year fuel injection, last year straight axle. I'm sure if it was in nice clean stock form it would be worth quite a bit, but it is long gone from stock form.

Narrowed rear:


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