'87 4Runner Snapped Lug Nut Stud


Could be :shifty:


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
You might try sticking the whole thing in the frezeer overnight. It has worked for me on several occasions

Thought about the freezer... then I was told that "dirty greasy muddy thing" was not going in the freezer. So...

It's all about the press.

Yep and I don't have one yet. Plus, I should be able to pick it up after work so I can put it all back together when I get home tomorrow. I'm treading a fine line between cost and lost time. I still need to do some prep work before wheeling Sunday and the more time I spend on this crap the less time I have for the other stuff.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
stick it in a plastic bag first

Thought about it... but just said fug it and I'll let someone else deal with the rusted down tight bolts. This just gives me another reason to get a big air compressor and tools.


the more time I spend on this crap the less time I have for the other stuff.

That's the nature of the beast that is off roading..LOL


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
That's the nature of the beast that is off roading..LOL

Crap... I was breaking shit before I started off roading. I got the studs replaced today at a local shop. It cost a whoppin $20. Hard to complain when I could of spent the night tonight busting my ass and knuckles trying to do it; instead I'm going to put it on and get it rolling again.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
All done. The lug studs are replaced, the bearings are repacked, the hub works.... all is good again. Now if only the paint would dry a little faster so I can get the wheels back on the sumbitch.




Kiss My IFS
All done. The lug studs are replaced, the bearings are repacked, the hub works.... all is good again. Now if only the paint would dry a little faster so I can get the wheels back on the sumbitch.

Glad to hear you got it done, and did it right

No... I don't think I have met Rob. Should I have?


He's kind of squirrely.

Who the fuck are you calling squirely?

Squirrely??? Like he has a large bushy tail or he likes to hide people's nuts?

No but I have a stud I like to hide :bentover:


I think what Mauzer was talking about was my amazing powers of persuasion when it comes to stubborn shit. The bigger the tools the bigger the boom. Those studs would have just fallen out as soon as they saw me coming.


I think what Mauzer was talking about was my amazing powers of persuasion when it comes to stubborn shit.

Like your wife giving you pussy?

