Anathollo's build


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
I got my new dash mount from Kflo installed.

I also got the 11" Joying Android radio installed. This one is made for 2nd Gen Tacoma specifically so wiring it in was a breeze, especially when it came to programing the steering wheel controls. The wireless Android Auto is nice as well. I've still got to play around with it to figure some settings out.

I got the recirculating air actuator swapped out. It was a bit of a pain to get to as its in the back and the screws are a 5.5mm socket (which I had thankfully). So my AC isn't knocking anymore when I use the recirculating button (which I use all the time down here in Satan's gooch due to the chemical plant smells). Thankfully this is a use a shared actuator that multiple car companies use so I got this one for a Honda IIRC because it was $30 rather than the $120 Toyota wanted for the same part.

Got this weather stripping swapped out with a new one. The old one was coming off.

This was my first "project" to do in my new garage. Having an AC'd garage with a urinal and a sink is a game changer. So much nicer to work in and I actually enjoyed working again. No more sweating through clothes while slapping at nonstop mosquitoes.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Did you need any special adapter for the steering wheel controls?
No actually! It was super easy to program the steering wheel controls per this video.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
I replaced my radiator and thermostat today. Trucks holding at 181° when parked. Normally it was 185°. We'll see how she'll get when under load. My last radiator was done for, completely warped and clogged up.

While looking for a 10mm nut I never found, I noticed the passenger side CV boot was completely ripped through.

So I went ahead and pulled her tonight. I'll wake up early tomorrow to rebuild her in the morning and install later in the afternoon when the sealant dries.

While I have everything apart on this side, I'll take the time tomorrow to clean, de-grime and re-grease everything.

But man I love having power tools now. It makes tearing everything apart so much faster and easier.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
I got the rebuilt CV axle in yesterday and everything seems to be holding after a test drive.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
You should swap out my drivers side CV for my rebuilt RCV when you are out in the shop this week. I'll even turn on a fan or the heat, depending on what is needed. lol


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Waxed the truck and put on black trim restorer (to try to bring back some life to plastic trim pieces).

Also swapped out the spark plugs. The one on the driver's side closest to the oil filter was an absolute bitch to unplug and replug the coil pack back in.
Thankfully all of my old spark plugs are uniform in color. There's doesn't seem to be any excessive fuel or oil gunk buildup on any of the plugs (even on the plugs at the back of the motor which typically run hotter).


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
For trim restoration try this stuff... its amazing! Don't recall if I posted before and after photos of using it... but its well worth the money.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Got my front two windows returned this afternoon at a local shop. The old tint had started coming off.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Went to do some routine maintenance on the truck and saw that my leaf pack bushings were gone.

So it was time to get off my butt and replace the leaf packs I had ordered a couple of years ago lol

I also changed out the rear diff fluid. I'm planning on changing the transfer case and front diff fluid this weekend as well.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Update on swapping out the leaf packs. The new OME 660# leaf packs ride so buttery smooth. I should've swapped these out sooner.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I need to order a set of those. Mine are not as flat as yours were, but they are not great either.