Lets Talk Diesel


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It's not Toyota's fault for not importing Diesels. You have your government to thank for that. Emissions requirements make it impossible for them to sell diesel engines in the US without major modification. Add to that fact that the required modifications cut fuel efficiency in half and decrease power, if I were an auto manufacturer, I too would refuse to dumb down my highly sophisticated product just to sell it to an unappreciative American market.


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Eh, I'm not that impressed. Yea it's really good for an engine that size but it's still just not that much. If i'm gonna go through the trouble to do an engine swap I want it to be able to sling the shit out of a 37-40" tire in 1:1 highrange.
If you're building a full size truck, you'd definitely want a bigger block, but not in these tiny trucks. Besides, these engines have plenty of torque to move 37s.


Well-Known Member
If you're building a full size truck, you'd definitely want a bigger block, but not in these tiny trucks. Besides, these engines have plenty of torque to move 37s.

But not in high range,(spin the tires fast enough to clean out thick mud). Hell I could gear a 3cyl geo down enough to turn a 44 bogger but is it really going to do any good as you just can't get the speed at the wheel to clean the tire out. I'm just thinking ahead around my area when wheeling and it rains it gets muddy and very sloppy thick clay and if you can't spin a tire fast enough to clean it out then you aint going anywhere. Those small diesels have the power to turn the tire over but not to spin it if necessary.


Staff member
But not in high range,(spin the tires fast enough to clean out thick mud). Hell I could gear a 3cyl geo down enough to turn a 44 bogger but is it really going to do any good as you just can't get the speed at the wheel to clean the tire out. I'm just thinking ahead around my area when wheeling and it rains it gets muddy and very sloppy thick clay and if you can't spin a tire fast enough to clean it out then you aint going anywhere. Those small diesels have the power to turn the tire over but not to spin it if necessary.
Dude, the smallest one has 155 ft/lbs at 1900. That will spin it just fine.


Well-Known Member
Dude, the smallest one has 155 ft/lbs at 1900. That will spin it just fine.

No it won't, thats essientally what a stock 2tr-fe has and you're really gonna tell me that your truck can spin the big tires. The way I see it I'll need a 300hp300tq minimum to do what it needs to be able to do. With the powerband peaking at 2500 to 3000 with something that revs fast.


Well-Known Member
You engine doesn't make that kind of torque until 5K rpms or so. This one does it at < half that.

If you geared it right for the tires, it would be fine.

No my current engine dosn't, but and LS6 can. As far as I'm concerned diesel motors aren't all that great for 4 wheeling low end torque is great but it isn't king. Just take a look at the industry, how many diesel powered rigs did you see at KOH, WE-ROCK, TTC, SCORE, XRRA? I'll bet you can count them on one hand, and I'll bet even more that they didn't place.


Staff member
No my current engine dosn't, but and LS6 can. As far as I'm concerned diesel motors aren't all that great for 4 wheeling low end torque is great but it isn't king. Just take a look at the industry, how many diesel powered rigs did you see at KOH, WE-ROCK, TTC, SCORE, XRRA? I'll bet you can count them on one hand, and I'll bet even more that they didn't place.
We'll if you're going to take the northern trail you'll need a diesel for sure.


Well-Known Member
Well now that this has been sufficiently derailed, lets get back to diesels. With the idea that bigger is better how bout a 6bt cummins swap.


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I stopped by this place that restores and sells old VWs. Said he had a Rabbit with a 1.6 TD in it. He said it runs, so it would make for an easy swap. If I could buy it for < $2K I might do it.

Cool, but don't you need something to swap that engine into first?


Well-Known Member
Just so happens there's a guy in town selling a couple pickups. Just so happens one of them has no engine and I could pick it up for a couple hundred.

Just so happens that it's already in your driveway?