

Nice. I know a little about that

Just a little lol

If you are flying in let me know what hotel you end up booking. Hopefully I won't wait until the last minute again like last year.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Tell us as well.. we can have "entertainment" come knocking. :D


is this in new jersey?

Rose Tree Park in Media, PA. We typically go out for drinks after and if I'm on my game I book a room so no need to D&D. All are welcome as always.


vid from last Friday when I played hookie and hit up a local big hill/small mt in PA (Jack Frost Big Boulder)

If you get motion sickness or hate loud audio with wind and ice shearing sounds - you may want to skip this video - I'm no u-tube star



when you're 20 year old snowboard bindings break on top of the mountain as soon as you get off the lift on run #2 of the day lol


PSU Taco85

Well-Known Member
Figured this was a good place to put this review. Looks like once my taco is road worthy again I'm going to try the CRC



Figured this was a good place to put this review. Looks like once my taco is road worthy again I'm going to try the CRC

I like that guy. Almost watched that last night lol

Here's a blast from the past I saw today in Philly. They were syndicated but not sure if in TX. I miss their radio show. My guess is the high winds ripped off the top layers of ads and exposed this old guy.



Enough of this spring & fall type weather - where's the snow?

From last Friday:



Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’


been quite warm here this summer

I need to mow my grass in front of my house that's facing South. That's a first in my 15 years of living here. My last cut is usually in Nov.

My backyards not growing but with temps as high as 66* last week and mid 50's this week it's been growing out front in the sun.

Might get some snow tonight - temps dropped today.


Sanford and Son was my Sesame Street
Last Friday it was in the 70s the next day there was an inch of snow on the FJ the next day in the 60s. Winter is over here in Tx now back to wearing shorts once the rain stops.


Pretty sure it's just Ant and me, but who knows what lurks in the shadows locally....

If anyone wants some BR glass that's approx 3' x 4' and about 4" thick - let me know. Got one pc thats just glass + one pc same size with fabrication (a 3-4" speaker hole and cut out for a deal tray at the bottom)

I can find out the BR rating and exact sizes if anyone wants them. I'd assume level III + but it's not from my job so not sure. You will not be able to cut any of this glass so frames needs to be sized to fit it.

I'd take it myself, but nothing I build that secure will have a window this large and there is no way I can carry it by myself - that said - whoever wants it needs to pick it up in Philly. We can help load it into a pick up truck in the case it's in - rest is up to you. Better have good leaf springs lol

Going in the dumpster next week.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
Pretty sure it's just Ant and me, but who knows what lurks in the shadows locally....

If anyone wants some BR glass that's approx 3' x 4' and about 4" thick - let me know. Got one pc thats just glass + one pc same size with fabrication (a 3-4" speaker hole and cut out for a deal tray at the bottom)

I can find out the BR rating and exact sizes if anyone wants them. I'd assume level III + but it's not from my job so not sure. You will not be able to cut any of this glass so frames needs to be sized to fit it.

I'd take it myself, but nothing I build that secure will have a window this large and there is no way I can carry it by myself - that said - whoever wants it needs to pick it up in Philly. We can help load it into a pick up truck in the case it's in - rest is up to you. Better have good leaf springs lol

Going in the dumpster next week.

3' x4'? Nice!! If nobody speaks for it I'll PM.


View attachment 20517

No tits when we wake up to 50* temps and rain. Worst winter for snow ever in SNJ that I can remember. Lakes never even started to freeze over. Used to play pond hockey every year growing up - now I can;t even remember the last time that lake froze over.

Ant should make a shop window out of it... just cause.

Thats what I'm thinking........ or just shoot it. if he doesn't pop on here soon - Ill text him.

One of our employees was thinking he would make a glass floor with the one pc. It's not made for that but plenty thick enough for it if it's well supported and no chicks are wearing heels on it.

3' x4'? Nice!! If nobody speaks for it I'll PM.

That's a heck of a long drive...spend more in gas than the glass is worth lol


Oh yea.....from a buddy's NJ farm from this past weekend.... one less chicken thief

Thought you guys might enjoy seeing what size Coyote's are in SNJ...... Guess how it got to where it is with that small of a rifle and Ill send you a interwebz high five


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
eyeball shot