Snorkel Group Buy: 1st Gen, 2nd Gen 4.0 V6, T100, & FJ
Update: If we hit (20) then Kurt at CC is willing to take another $20.00 off for a total of $50 savings & FJ's have also been added to the savings (see below) - thanks Kurt
Here is a link to the company as well as the snorkels
I have spoken the the vendor and they are willing to provide a discounted price based on volume.Thank you Cruiser Outfitters!!!!!
From here on out Ill edit the list and if you want your name on the GB list PM me with the make of your truck as well as the part number you would like (see below for part #).
If you PM me be sure you have the cash and won't back out. If you back out I will keep your screen name up and edit it with (backed out). Word to the unwise; you will piss people off if we had (10-20) people signed up and then when it's time to collect the money 50% of the people back out. This system should keep the dreamers and people backing out to a minimum. I'm not trying to be a d*ck I just know how GB's go and I am attempting to avoid the typical pitfalls.
Items included in GB pricing are as follows for $325
(or $305 if we get (20) snorkels)+ shipping (approximately $20 West Coast - $30 East Coast) + taxes (Utah only):
#SS135MOD - 2nd Gen Tacoma (includes exclusive template, special fit
#SS170HF - 1st Gen Tacoma
#SS170MOD - T100 (includes exclusive template, special fit application)
Just added 2/3/11: #SS410HF FJ Cruiser 06'-07' $355.00 for GB price ($335 if we get (20) snorkels)
See their link below for directions, installation, as well as many other cool items for our vehicles
GB List
1) Oswego SS135MOD (Local)
2) Duckcmdr SS135MOD (Local)
3) Mole SS135MOD (Local)
4) theduck911 SS135MOD (Canada)
5) mortuusangelus SS170HF (Local)
6) kinetik873 SS135MOD
7) ink junky SS135MOD
8) HomerTaco SS135MOD (Local)
9) JLink SS135MOD (Local)
10) TacoXpo SS135MOD (TOR)
11) SilverSeven SS135MOD (Local)
12) jhodge83 SS135MOD
13) George Wimpleman SS135MOD
List for possible GB in 2-3 weeks or longer:
1) Lrgrnr SS135MOD
2) jandrews SS135MOD
If anyone is unwilling to wait to hit (20) please PM me and we can come up with something. I would like to see if we can get (7) more sales to get the additional $20 off. The addition of FJ's and the reduced cost for 1st gens should help us reach our goal much quicker then initially.