SW Nebraska Fishing Trip


Nope, you no pay attention so well, not going to the game. I'll be there Friday.

oh my GOD! The other Penn State Alum are going to get you now. Missing a game is sacrilege lol

and when did you say that? I pay attention pretty good.


Well-Known Member
oh my GOD! The other Penn State Alum are going to get you now. Missing a game is sacrilege lol

and when did you say that? I pay attention pretty good.

Meh, it's an away game.

And to quote my text from 6:48pm on 7/23/2013:
"I'm in for Labor Day. Gonna skip the game."


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I have a question about this canoe trip. Do you guys flip to see who plays Ned Beatty first? :D


I have a question about this canoe trip. Do you guys flip to see who plays Ned Beatty first? :D

when you say 'flip' do you mean rollover? lol


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Flip... Rollover... Toss salad. Whatever. Just sounds like with all this bickering that the next step will be wrestling in a tent and a penis will "slip" into a butthole. lol


Money sent... Pm inbound shortly

Got it - thanks for everyone paying so quickly!

Flip... Rollover... Toss salad. Whatever. Just sounds like with all this bickering that the next step will be wrestling in a tent and a penis will "slip" into a butthole. lol

For trips like this I have a small travel combination lock so I can tie my two zippers together on my tent. lol Also good for when leaving your tent. I know it's only cloth and you can cut it but locks keep the honest people out :shifty:

To anyone else - please see the firewood data in the OP. Not sure if they will be checking the wood, but I sure as hell know I won't be bringing any from NJ. Our forests are being decimated right now by foreign intrusive bugs.


Pretty sure these are our sites


Some lake pics







Well-Known Member
All wood brought in to our campground must be marked with the producer's
name and address and labeled as "kiln dried and/or USDA certified."

Dafuq? They can't be serious. So I can't bring the wood from the tree that fell in my back yard... in mutha fuckin Pennsylvania?!?

All firewood must be consumed prior to your departure.

They are gonna regret that one...


Dafuq? They can't be serious. So I can't bring the wood from the tree that fell in my back yard... in mutha fuckin Pennsylvania?!?

They are gonna regret that one...

I guess so. To tell you the truth I always ignored those warnings but after seeing hundreds of acres of Wharton mowed down due to the bug epidemic the last thing I want to do is spread that crap to the nice PA forests.

Anthony won't be with us at this meet so no worries lol

On another note I picked up a Camp Chef Expedition grill over winter so no need for everyone to bring a small grill. I got the griddle and BBQ box like in this pic



Well-Known Member
Oooh, look at mr. fancy grill. Looks like you can take off the griddle and/or bbq box and throw a pot or whatever right on it? And I guess the legs come off easy enough for transporting?


Well-Known Member
Bring a saw and we cut our own
Boyd will cut all the wood for this trip
He complains about our saw skills so he graciously volunteered his expertise for this trop thanks again