Texas allowing pesticide for wild pigs


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
Texas Ag Commissioner Approves Pesticide Targeting Wild Pigs

Original Product website: Feral Hog - Kaput Products

TLDR: The poison used is warfarin and used as an anti clotting drug in humans. In larger doses it is fatal and that is the intended idea with pesticide feeders designed specifically for hogs. According to the company selling this stuff (Kaput Feral Hog Lure) it is difficult for a human to eat enough pig product to equal the amount of a pill; much less kill the person. The pig's fat is supposed to be tinted blue after they eat the warfarin so as any hunters would easily identify a tainted animal after they open it up.


I can see where the state needs to allow for aggressive measures for controlling the wild pigs but I am not sure if random poison traps are the answer. Although they have already removed pretty much every law about shooting them. @thekidcatcher @drew02a What are your thoughts with this?

Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’
Texas Ag Commissioner Approves Pesticide Targeting Wild Pigs

Original Product website: Feral Hog - Kaput Products

TLDR: The poison used is warfarin and used as an anti clotting drug in humans. In larger doses it is fatal and that is the intended idea with pesticide feeders designed specifically for hogs. According to the company selling this stuff (Kaput Feral Hog Lure) it is difficult for a human to eat enough pig product to equal the amount of a pill; much less kill the person. The pig's fat is supposed to be tinted blue after they eat the warfarin so as any hunters would easily identify a tainted animal after they open it up.


I can see where the state needs to allow for aggressive measures for controlling the wild pigs but I am not sure if random poison traps are the answer. Although they have already removed pretty much every law about shooting them. @thekidcatcher @drew02a What are your thoughts with this?

I have no issue with if it is used correctly, the Aussies have been using it for years.

There are other poisons already approved out there for predators that is a lot worse than this blood thinner.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo


That's Mr Asshole to you
The poison used for yotes in some places around the state is terrible. Blood thinners should be interesting


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Hemophiliacs should be the only ones concerned.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
I don't think we need more poison. I think we need more AR10's and thermal scopes

Please make Thermal Scopes cheaper....pllleeeaasseee


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Preachin' to the choir
It's part of my prayer everyday "Please let the HPA pass and make thermal scopes cheaper with higher magnification" lol


Blood thinners huh? If nothing else it should make them bleed out faster when I gut shoot them and let them run to the creek to die.


It's part of my prayer everyday "Please let the HPA pass and make thermal scopes cheaper with higher magnification" lol

Meh I've never really wanted a thermal scope. I don't really do anything to justify one. But damn the HPA needs to pass. I have about 4 suppressors I need to buy.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
I used a thermal scope before. It was more useful in the country than it was in the city. But we are hunting different critters here than over there.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Meh I've never really wanted a thermal scope. I don't really do anything to justify one. But damn the HPA needs to pass. I have about 4 suppressors I need to buy.

This video will change your mind.