Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I have computer glasses, prescription, that block the blue light as well.
buy blue light screens now for all your electronics/phone/monitors etc.
Yeah I just got new monitors at work that have the blue light filter built in as well. Makes a huge difference with eye fatigue. Also computer monitors are dirt cheap now. Good time to upgrade.I'll second this as well. Zeiss makes a lens that looks like any other eyeglass if you don't want to look like a hippie wearing the yellow gamer glasses. I would like to pick up a set of those since you can get them with zero magnification. I stare at computer monitors ALL day for work, so they would help tremendously. Thankfully though, my current monitors have built in blue light filters so it isn't as bad as my last ones.
It's for men.. you can't use that.
It's for men.. you can't use that.
How does that fit in with y'alls hat situation![]()
Mines ductboard fiberglassMakes me tinfoil through and through.... Call me Mr softy metal
Sometimes I think I bleed aluminum chips. I got that crap everywhere along with glass shards
I've inhaled more asbestos (blow in insulation in my Great Grandfathers home), brake jobs with blowing out the drums with air, etc.
Aluminum and dementia: Is there a link? | Alzheimer Society of Canada
Eyes - I was always proud I never had eye issues NEVER - until I was in my early 50s - Now you would have thought I had calluses on my johnson! I guess I should have listened to the nuns. I'm up to 2.0 readers and I'm only 59!
What were we talking about? I forgot.Great.......
Figures I drink tea and have been exposed to aluminum at work since I was old enough to walk into my step dads glass shop. That and metric shit tons of silica dust from sanding glass.
- Studies have not found an increased incidence of dementia in people with occupational exposure to aluminum.
- Tea is one of the few plants whose leaves accumulate larger trace element amounts of aluminum that can seep into the brewed beverage. However, there is no evidence that dementia is more prevalent in cultures that typically drink large amounts of tea
Idiots in my shop were just spray painting hardware with no doors open. Ive yelled at them more than a dozen time for doing that. How much of a moron do you need to be to spray paint indoors? No masks and 20 of us breathing the same air.
That said I turned one of my bedroms into a spray room, but I have a TON of negative air pressure sucking out the fumes and I ALWAYS wear a 3m respirator (not one of those crappy fitting throw away N95 masks) + I'm the only one home.
YOU KNOW IT!Isn't that good for you regardless of quarantine status?