TOR Wellness


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
So reading back through this the stuff that Scott posted in the OP still the stuff to get?

As for the blue blocking glasses, I picked up these for under $20 just to try.,aps,165&sr=1-1-f6b8d51f-2c55-4dc3-89ad-0c3639671b2d

I bought them based on the 15k+ reviews that are mostly positive. It took several days before I noticed a difference, but I'm still wearing them. I *think* they make a difference, but it isn't mind blowing. I guess now that I think about it, I don't have near the eye pain as I used to, so maybe they really do work. Anyway, better than nothing and inexpensive. They have one of the less yellow lenses that I saw.

They work well enough that I am no longer considering spending $150 for the zeiss glass.
I finally got some new monitors at work that have the option to dim out the blue light (like your phone). Well ever since I got them, I don't have any eye strain/pain like I used to with my old monitors.

Monitors are dirt cheap right now so it was a worth while upgrade.


Well-Known Member
I finally got some new monitors at work that have the option to dim out the blue light (like your phone). Well ever since I got them, I don't have any eye strain/pain like I used to with my old monitors.

Monitors are dirt cheap right now so it was a worth while upgrade.

I have those at work, but some crappy old Samsung 22" monitors at home that refuse to bite the dust. Since I'm working from home due to COVID....I'm using these. Been keeping an eye out for some better ones though. Just not something I have budgeted at the moment and the budget at work has been utilized beyond 100% with all the COVID laptop purchases for people to work remotely.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Just buy some $15 computer glasses. They don't need to be readers so no magnification, they just block the blue light. I got my kid a two pack for $15.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
So it is..

Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’
Anybody doing flu shots this year?

It’s 2020, a month left in the year, I’m considering getting one.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I got one a few months ago.


Never had one, not gonna start now. Also never had the flu lol


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
I got one the week before I went to Florida. No side effects other than finding myself in Florida.


I miss FL. First state I think I ever saw that sold single beers at the gas station pumps lol

or was that NY.... hmmm


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
It is impressive how a few changes in daily intake and a bit of weekly activity can make a significant difference in health. I got out of the Marine Corps at a stout 210 lbs in 2006 and have not been near that number since then. I drank way too many Dr Pepper's every day and did not get the same hours of daily exercise. I was still in good enough shape to do most anything I wanted - just carried around a lot of extra weight.

Labor Day I stopped drinking Dr Pepper and started running 2-4 times a week with a friend. Started out walking 2.5 miles and now it is a mix of run/walk with a progression towards only jogging w/ running. But after three months of this crap it is nice to see and feel the difference. The end goal is to get down to 180ish at ~20% body fat. At that point I will decide if I want to make the trim work to go lower or just enjoy maintaining that. But for now I am just enjoying having dropped an easy 25 pounds recently (30lbs from my heaviest this year). This Covid crap has been a bad year - but I am doing my best to make the most of it.



That's Mr Asshole to you
That is awesome. I miss having a gym at the office to exercise on my lunch break. I am up 8-10 pounds this year as a result.
I was starting to run a few months ago but developed a knee issue with the cartlidge under my knee cap. It seems to be on the mend and have been more active on weekends. Now just need to translate that activity to the work week but it sucks getting off work and its damn near dark.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
Thanks, it has been a lot of focused effort. Exercising after work has always been an issue with my random schedule. That is one reason I have been getting up at 4:45a to go run. It easier to get it in and done before anyone is looking for me.

Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’
It is impressive how a few changes in daily intake and a bit of weekly activity can make a significant difference in health. I got out of the Marine Corps at a stout 210 lbs in 2006 and have not been near that number since then. I drank way too many Dr Pepper's every day and did not get the same hours of daily exercise. I was still in good enough shape to do most anything I wanted - just carried around a lot of extra weight.

Labor Day I stopped drinking Dr Pepper and started running 2-4 times a week with a friend. Started out walking 2.5 miles and now it is a mix of run/walk with a progression towards only jogging w/ running. But after three months of this crap it is nice to see and feel the difference. The end goal is to get down to 180ish at ~20% body fat. At that point I will decide if I want to make the trim work to go lower or just enjoy maintaining that. But for now I am just enjoying having dropped an easy 25 pounds recently (30lbs from my heaviest this year). This Covid crap has been a bad year - but I am doing my best to make the most of it.

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awesome, keep at it!:applaudit:

I’m down 20lbs since March, we basically stopped eating out/less running around with the boys with this covid crap. My end goal is to also to get into or down 175-180lbs range. I’m trying to cut down on beer consumption too.:(