Lost Sheep, Build Thread.

Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’

UK is the 5th largest economy and its almost at the brink of heading into a recession because the ongoing inflation. Airplane landing, lol
Steep increase rates here will most likely put us into the same rut.


Well-Known Member
So my strategy has pretty much been to buy and hold quality stocks. Ride the ups and downs.

I recently bought ABNB, EXPE, and LUV. Also have a buy order in for DAL, but that one doesn't seem to want to execute. After purchase, put in limit orders to exit them at certain points. I don't expect those to be long positions, so they sort of break my rule. However, I'm thinking that people being restricted from travel the past 2 years and COVID restrictions being lifted, they could be in for a boost as we approach summer.

As for market in general strategy, I'm sort of kicking around the idea of setting an exit strategy, more or less. Not talking about closing out entirely, but some of my bigger investments have increased well, or at least had prior to recent downturn. I think (hope) they will go back up before they go down again. I'm thinking about taking my initial investment out from some of them and leaving the earnings in to ride the waves until things level out a bit more and aren't so volatile. Is that foolish?
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Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’
So my strategy has pretty much been to buy and hold quality stocks. Ride the ups and downs.

I recently bought ABNB, EXPE, and LUV. Also have a buy order in for DAL, but that one doesn't seem to want to execute. After purchase, put in limit orders to exit them at certain points. I don't expect those to be long positions, so they sort of break my rule. However, I'm thinking that people being restricted from travel the past 2 years and COVID restrictions being lifted, they could be in for a boost as we approach summer.

As for market in general strategy, I'm sort of kicking around the idea of setting an exit strategy, more or less. Not talking about closing out entirely, but some of my bigger investments have increased well, or at least had prior to recent downturn. I think (hope) they will go back up before they go down again. I'm thinking about taking my initial investment out from some of them and leaving the earnings in to ride the waves until things level out a bit more and aren't so volatile. Is that foolish?

I don't think so. Just keep an eye on the S&P it's only 5% off from being a bear market, I think Q2 reports will help define the overall market direction for the remainder of the year. The increase of interest rates does concern me, I doubt it will have significant impact on the inflation for this year.
Only thing I bought recently was amzn at 2180 share last week, I may pick up more shares in anticipation of the split. I'm happy with my oil stocks, wish I had bought more in January.
I have been quite busy lately, so I try and look at financials in the evenings and early mornings to keep up to date the best I can.
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Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’

Damn son, what did you do to the markets today?!? They say history repeats itself, looks like we're approaching a repeat of a Black Monday in 1987.



It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
So thoughts on the prime rate increase this week? I am still buying & slowly stocking up the basics the house uses. The goal is to build a cushion to ride out supply chain issues.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
So thoughts on the prime rate increase this week? I am still buying & slowly stocking up the basics the house uses. The goal is to build a cushion to ride out supply chain issues.

Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’
So thoughts on the prime rate increase this week? I am still buying & slowly stocking up the basics the house uses. The goal is to build a cushion to ride out supply chain issues.

The FEDS have more hikes planned over next 6 to 12months, which will probably solve nothing, if fuel continues to rise, so does the cost and goods, count on recession, central/world banks are already preparing for one. The supply chain slinky will continue to stretch, as China's workers/population remain restricted.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
What is it up to?


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Reminds me of an old joke. Guy dies and goes to heaven and meets God. Says God, just one question. Why didn't you let me win the lottery? I prayed hard every night, I was a good person. Why didn't you let me win? God says "I would have. You just had to buy the ticket!"

Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’
No winners, 790 Milks now, getting closer to Bill.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
Any thoughts on the impact of more African countries going away from only the US Dollar and starting to use a split Dollar/ Gold standard? It came up in a call at work today and I did a bit more digging. Apparently Zimbabwe is trying to use gold to stabilize their economy from continued crashing. The theory/ fear is if it works more countries will move away from the US Dollar and start using more gold. Which this will be good for gold values.
