CowboyTaco's 2011 DCSB TRD Sport


Well-Known Member
Not a whole lot that is exciting going on with the truck. The Duracell 27F battery that I got at Sam's Club last year kicked the bucket. I hate that the warranty is based on the 'original purchase date' and not the date that you acquired the last battery. Thankfully, the guy didn't give me too much hassle and replaced it, as the sticker on the battery clearly showed "11/23" on it. My multimeter showed it at 2.8v....which was not enough to even get dash lights illuminated.

It was also pulling to the left, so I went and got an alignment. Everything was in spec except for the toe. Spec, according to the printout, is -.03* - .08*. Mine was at .10*. It still drifts a little left, but not as bad. Could just be the tires at this point.

Over the holidays, I have plan to flush the coolant and brake fluid.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Do you keep it on a battery tender?