Kayak Fishing


Nope, but after taking an angler kayak out with raised seat I'll never go back...

I agree they have great seats, but they are typically heavy bastards with a high center of gravity. Joe/Duck has a really nice one I would love if I lived on a lake. Problem is he can barley lift it himself and last time we went to VT I wanted to kill him and I only helped him carry it uphill a hundred yards. I want something I can sling over my shoulder and carry for a few hundred yards bymyself. Got my heavy ass 12' yak for when I need to be comfy.

Hardest part is finding the right color. There are plenty of goo designs and companies, but they all offer flaming bright colors.

My brother "lost" a kayak during the flood in Ike. My brother moved back to that neighborhood a few months ago and found it hanging out in a neighbor's yard. He was able to get it back by describing all of the fiberglass fixes/patches to the owner lol

That's great! I keep a keen eye out everytime I hit the river for it. There are only 4 good kayaking rivers down my way and I'm on one of them just about every other week. Also keeping an eye on Craigslist. I have the bill of sale with the vin number on it + I etched my name under the seat where it can't be easily seen so once I do spot it - getting it back shouldn't be an issue.


Sanford and Son was my Sesame Street
My wife and I have been talking about getting kayaks for a while now. When we were in California last weekend we borrowed a couple of my uncles kayaks. Both Hobies one a tandem and one a single. We both liked the pedal system that they had but they are very heavy. My main complaint was the seat back height. After 6 hours on the water my back was killing me right below the shoulders where the top of the seat was hitting. Are there any other brands that offer a taller back for the seats?


If you can handle 6hrs in a yak without getting out of it you're doing A-OK in my book. My back only lasts 2-3 hrs max before I must find shore and stand up to stretch my toes.

HC's kayaks are way to pricey for my budget so I have no experience in anything they make besides a single person catamaran sailboat I destroyed in the late 90's. That said my best advice is to demo for at least a day whatever your looking at buying before you buy so those issues don't surprise you after you paid for it.

I was out on a 870acre lake yesterday for the hot part of the day. The lake water was so warm it wasn't very refreshing. At least the sailboats were having a blast in the breeze.


that time of year is coming up!!! has anyone been to the gulf BTB to chase the big bull reds??? my buddy and i go once or twice a year to get a little tx slay ride action!

we usually go sept-oct but really depends on weather, usually catch about 10-15 each per day along with a ton of sharks and catfish.

don't mind the ugly red life vest haha my self inflated one got caught under my arm and i pull the tab to inflate it



Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
that time of year is coming up!!! has anyone been to the gulf BTB to chase the big bull reds??? my buddy and i go once or twice a year to get a little tx slay ride action!

we usually go sept-oct but really depends on weather, usually catch about 10-15 each per day along with a ton of sharks and catfish.

don't mind the ugly red life vest haha my self inflated one got caught under my arm and i pull the tab to inflate it

View attachment 4035

Nice catch!


I was out all this past weekend on my 12' and decided it's time. I'm done researching now to the buying phase. Going with this little guy Manatee 10 Angler Fishing Kayak | L.L.Bean

Now just gotta figure out how to get some kind of significant discount. Ive never paid more that $350 for a yak.

Should be the best of both worlds for what I need (90% river/10% lake - 100% light). I'd get the basic model cause I don't need an anchor and can add the rod holders myself but you can only get the camo version as the "Angler package".


That's Mr Asshole to you
I was out all this past weekend on my 12' and decided it's time. I'm done researching now to the buying phase. Going with this little guy Manatee 10 Angler Fishing Kayak | L.L.Bean

Now just gotta figure out how to get some kind of significant discount. Ive never paid more that $350 for a yak.

Should be the best of both worlds for what I need (90% river/10% lake - 100% light). I'd get the basic model cause I don't need an anchor and can add the rod holders myself but you can only get the camo version as the "Angler package".
And here I was just looking at a $1700 Jackson Kayak. Saw one last week as the guy was unloading it and it seemed really nice.


And here I was just looking at a $1700 Jackson Kayak. Saw one last week as the guy was unloading it and it seemed really nice.

i have a buddy that i think is selling his jackson i believe.

does anyone here bass fish?? thats truly what i live for haha


And here I was just looking at a $1700 Jackson Kayak. Saw one last week as the guy was unloading it and it seemed really nice.

I've been debating picking up either a mountain bike or kayak. I like those Jackson's a lot. I was checking them out last time I was at Mountain Sports. They're just a little out of my price range. I'd like to stay around $1000 if I get one.

Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’
I was out all this past weekend on my 12' and decided it's time. I'm done researching now to the buying phase. Going with this little guy Manatee 10 Angler Fishing Kayak | L.L.Bean

Now just gotta figure out how to get some kind of significant discount. Ive never paid more that $350 for a yak.

Should be the best of both worlds for what I need (90% river/10% lake - 100% light). I'd get the basic model cause I don't need an anchor and can add the rod holders myself but you can only get the camo version as the "Angler package".

I think there are better yaks out there


And here I was just looking at a $1700 Jackson Kayak. Saw one last week as the guy was unloading it and it seemed really nice.

Using the least amount of money/gear to accomplish my goals while not letting my frugalness/downsizing impact the fun factor has been a goal of mine lately since Ive set some lofty long term financial/life goals. Tired of living to work - now I'm trying to work just enough to live.

My first kayak was $300 new 18+ years ago and would still be working perfectly if it had not flown off the back of my buddys truck and get stolen last summer. Same brand just a foot smaller. Also have another 12' Perception Ive had for almost 5 years with zero issues.

I think there are better yaks out there

There will always be bigger/badder/better/more expensive. Same reason I bought the cheapest car Subaru makes last year is why I'm not wanting to spend more than $500 on a floating polypropylene trash can. If I spend more on a "better" yak it won't enable me to smile more or have more fun. In reality - Ill just have to work longer and harder to pay for it thus kayak/smile less.

The days of keeping up with the Joneses are long gone for me.

I'm all for buying good gear that will last a lifetime and sometimes that's expensive. After kayaking for 20 years and growing up on my parents marina I see no actual benefits for me to spend more. Could the hull design of a higher priced yak be more efficient? Sure, but I'm not racing anyone. I'm already leading the pack 99.9% of the time I yak with others. Being faster would just mean I wait for them more. Would high end materials be lighter and stiffer? Sure, but they aren't nearly as durable and would surely fail in the situations I put my yaks through.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
Sure, but they aren't nearly as durable and would surely fail in the situations I put my yaks through.

i.e. I want to bash rocks without giving a fuck...lol


Sanford and Son was my Sesame Street
Does anyone on here fly fish from a kayak? I have been thinking about getting back in to fly fishing/tying as well as getting a kayak.


That's Mr Asshole to you
Does anyone on here fly fish from a kayak? I have been thinking about getting back in to fly fishing/tying as well as getting a kayak.
I tried fly fishing last week for the first time in 20 years. Didn't go so well. I know my place and that is with a traditional rod and reel.
I would think you need to look for a yak that you can stand up in.


Sanford and Son was my Sesame Street
It is an art. Its been about 15 years for me but I got an 8lb bass not too long ago and the fight without any kind of mechanical advantage got me hooked again.
I have been looking at the Diablo Paddlesports Chupacabra, but I don't know anything about them.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Fuck...... that!!!