Couple pics from a camping trip last weekend a chick I know set up (Halloween)
Luckily it was cold so my buddy could wear his mask all day giving everyone who saw him large smiles
Turns out one of my buddy's got wood and never moved his truck back to our second site so we had three cars on one site so that opened up the door for the Ranger to stop by our site to have a talk with us because she spotted a no no from the road. When I asked what we had done she said the three car rule and I immediatley offered to move it to our other site, apologized, and started BS'ing with her.
One of my buddy's who invited his friend never told him the rules so he had one empty beer bottle on the picnic table. Of course the rangers flashlight found it immediately as I was talking to her and then I had to talk our way out of a ticket with help from the guy who left the bottle on the table. If I can get my hands on the video Ill post it. Buddy got the interaction on his phone and it's funny how we got out of the ticket. Ranger was a young chick on her own. Can't get too much into it becuase she was cool and I do not need to get her in trouble for being SUPER nice to us even though our states laws suck.