Made some progress in the garage last night. Hung a bunch of hooks to get more stuff off the ground (shovels, folding tables, brooms, etc...)
Hung a large packout hanger to mount my packouts too when I'm not using them. It helps get them off the ground. I got it on sale awhile ago and the hook was free with it. I won't be keeping that hook there, I was just trying it out but I don't like it there.
And I got my 75' air hose reel mounted at the front of the garage. Even unspooled, that sucker is heavy to hang by yourself. I ordered the new airlines I need to run to my two hose reels in the garage from my big compressor.
And lastly, I got my ladders mounted to the side of my cabinet so they are out of the way finally.
Little by little, I'm getting the shop to the point where I can start working on projects instead of the garage BEING the project
Hung a large packout hanger to mount my packouts too when I'm not using them. It helps get them off the ground. I got it on sale awhile ago and the hook was free with it. I won't be keeping that hook there, I was just trying it out but I don't like it there.
And I got my 75' air hose reel mounted at the front of the garage. Even unspooled, that sucker is heavy to hang by yourself. I ordered the new airlines I need to run to my two hose reels in the garage from my big compressor.
And lastly, I got my ladders mounted to the side of my cabinet so they are out of the way finally.
Little by little, I'm getting the shop to the point where I can start working on projects instead of the garage BEING the project