

Brick floors? I did a brick walkway and porch in our old house... turned out great. But never seen a brick floor indoors, sounds cool.
Thats how I plan on doing my kitchen floor when I build.


Brick floors? I did a brick walkway and porch in our old house... turned out great. But never seen a brick floor indoors, sounds cool.
My cousin's house has a den and kitchen that are brick floors (real brick, not tile) and my wife has been in love with it for the last 5 years. They also have a real, functioning bell tower in their house. Its just a cool house in general.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Got about $370 in HD gift cards so I bought some M12 stuff. Picked up that 550lb/ft 3/8’s impact and a Fuel combo kit.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I have a Fuel M12 combo kit already but its pretty beat. Figure it will be relegated to a trail tool bag. The reason its so beat is that its my go-to tools if I need a drill or impact... rarely use the M18 stuff anymore.


I need to invest in some batteries. My 8.0 died. Shows full charged on the LED indicators, shows fully charged when I put it on the charger, and shows 20.5v on multimeter. But will only run for about 5 seconds when I put it in a tool and pull the trigger. Thinking one cell in it is bad and is getting sucked down and dropping the voltage low enough the tool won't run. Going to open it up this weekend and read the cells individually.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I had a 5AH M18 fall last night and break/explode into pieces. I was gonna glue it back together but one of the springs that keeps the clips engaged launched somewhere never to be seen again. I need to get a few new batteries as well. I "think" I saw some on sale at HD when I was there yesterday. I wasn't really looking for them but now... now I need to get a couple spares.


I had a 5AH M18 fall last night and break/explode into pieces. I was gonna glue it back together but one of the springs that keeps the clips engaged launched somewhere never to be seen again. I need to get a few new batteries as well. I "think" I saw some on sale at HD when I was there yesterday. I wasn't really looking for them but now... now I need to get a couple spares.
I saw online they have the dual battery supercharger with an 8ah Forge for $350 and you get a second 8ah Forge for free. I may go that route. I need a charger that can charge more than one at a time anyway and all my batteries under 8.0 are in good shape. Although now they'll start dying as well since I said that. Still need to pick up a 12ah before the spring for the blower/trimmer.


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
I had a 5AH M18 fall last night and break/explode into pieces. I was gonna glue it back together but one of the springs that keeps the clips engaged launched somewhere never to be seen again. I need to get a few new batteries as well. I "think" I saw some on sale at HD when I was there yesterday. I wasn't really looking for them but now... now I need to get a couple spares.
I saw online they have the dual battery supercharger with an 8ah Forge for $350 and you get a second 8ah Forge for free. I may go that route. I need a charger that can charge more than one at a time anyway and all my batteries under 8.0 are in good shape. Although now they'll start dying as well since I said that. Still need to pick up a 12ah before the spring for the blower/trimmer.

This is about the best deal on M18 batteries I have seen lately. If I did not have two good 12ah and two good 8ah batteries I would order this set of Forge M18s.



Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Awesome deal. Just ordered.

Taco Loco

Tired and Lazy, married to ‘The Laundry Fairy’
I like using the rivet tools, they barely get used, but they sure are useful when you need them. Replaced all 3 skylights on the RV, and had to retofit the existing brackets into the new skylights.

I'm gonna start wiring the shop soon. The last shop I owned, the guy used rivets to hold all boxes, bx clamps etc. I will probably do the same, the rivets are a lot cheaper than the self tapping screws, and the prior owner here left me thousands of them.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
I like using the rivet tools, they barely get used, but they sure are useful when you need them. Replaced all 3 skylights on the RV, and had to retofit the existing brackets into the new skylights.

I'm gonna start wiring the shop soon. The last shop I owned, the guy used rivets to hold all boxes, bx clamps etc. I will probably do the same, the rivets are a lot cheaper than the self tapping screws, and the prior owner here left me thousands of them.
Self tappers are so much faster though....and if you don't have a few hundred self tappers as spares around your shop in various lengths, then what are you doing with your life?


It is not a war crime the first time.
Staff member
Just got them. Damn, getting them out of the packaging was a PITA. New razor blade for the utility knife and it was still a pain. Figured I would stab my hand or a battery. Neither sounded like a good idea.

View attachment 63934
I am looking forward to your feedback on these batteries. The raw numbers say they are more powerful than the regular M18 but I am still curious if they are worth the extra. I am debating getting a 12ah for my string trimmer and chainsaw.


Armorall is my choice of lube
Staff member
I am looking forward to your feedback on these batteries. The raw numbers say they are more powerful than the regular M18 but I am still curious if they are worth the extra. I am debating getting a 12ah for my string trimmer and chainsaw.
I have the DeWalt pouch battery, the extra power delivery is awesome but it def uses up the juice faster as well.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I have a 12A that came with my chainsaw. But I really haven’t tested it out. I need to.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Picked up some shiny putty knives. Won’t make me do drywall repair any better but at least I can’t use a putty knife as an excuse. LOL



Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
These things are like fine Champaign glasses... you can tap them and they just sing.


Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
Kind of a cool little bit for your Leatherman tool that has the modular bit holder. It’s a tiny voltmeter. Tests from 2.5v DC to 30vDc. Count the number of flashes. Each green flash is 10v, yellow is 1v and red is .1v.




My Stanley 8gal shop vac died after 7 years. Ended up replacing it with a Ridgid 4gal. I don't need anything big as I'm just using it to clean out the fire place, vacuum up the garage, etc. I dump after every use so 4gal is fine for me. Plus it was only $80. Had 4.5 stars from 7000 reviews on HD website. Hopefully it lasts a couple years at least. Wanted to get the big 6gal Milwaukee but they're fucking proud of that thing and I thought the 2gal would be too small.