Lima Gulf Bravo Foxtrot Juliet Bravo
I got home at 2:30 in the morning.
I got home at 2:30 in the morning.
Props to both of you! Glade to know people like y'all in this crazy world.
Does this mean that work is being done on the Flatpelly Pig?
Cool guy and he had his girlfriend with him...she was hot.
Fail for lack of a pic
Pulled a Ford out today. Guy posted on TW and knew where he was at. Figured it beat sitting around the house. Get there and its a sloppy, clay mess. Hook up the winch and my truck just slides forward since it was so slick. Ended up finding some carpet and put that under his buried tires and then just pulled. Cool guy and he had his girlfriend with him...she was hot.
and out
this will be fun to clean. Good thing the guy paid me $100 to get him out.
I really tried and thought I was about to succeed but it didnt happen.
So much fail in that post.... TW and no hottie pics. Double failure.
So much fail in that post.... TW and no hottie pics. Double failure.
I'm surprised he has not received a violation warning for this double fail.