Lets see...
1) 1x 30' tow strap
2) 1x recovery shackle and mount
3) Metric and SAE sockets
4) Various hand tools (channel locks, hammer, etc...)
5) Bag of electrical equipment (cutters, strippers,connectors)
6) 200+ piece First AID kit
7) Small shovel
8) 8 straps
9) Emergency kit (road flares, solar blanket, etc...)
10) Hundreds of zip ties (vitally important)
11) Roles of duck tape and electrical tape
12) 8' of chain to lock stuff up and two master key locks.
There's probably a lot more that I'm missing.
I'm planning on going to the flea market and buying a small battery drill and another tool bag with vital hand tools that I keep in my tool box at all times, rather than taking all of my tools in and out.